I believe I've posted about Bilateral Otitis before... well, it's back and this time it's brought it's friend Infected Throat. Aren't we lucky?? (Can you hear the sarcasm oozing from my tone???)
I got a call at work on Monday from Ashton's day care: "Hi, Marianne. Well, 1st of all, Ashton has a really high fever and 2nd Ashton has a really bad rash. You need to come get him." Sure enough, when I got there he was burning up and did indeed have a rash. **The rash I wasn't so worried about since Ashton's allergic to milk and may or may not have had a taste of ice cream the day prior (shhhh....).** But the fever really had me worried. When Ashton got sick with the metapheumovirus last month, it all started with a high fever. So I took him home and gave him Tylenol and he seemed to be fine... hmmm, maybe he's teething?? I'm not so sure. So Tuesday I brought him to work with me and my mom (LOVE HER!!) came and picked him up for the day. She said he got another fever and gave him some Motrin. By the time I got there after work he was burning up again so I took him to the local instacare. His fever was at 104. YIKES!! Then they hooked him up to the machine that checks his oxygen and blood pressure. His oxygen kept going from 88-95 (which is OK, not great...). I started to freak. Seriously?!?! We were just in the hospital. I don't want to go back!! So then they check his lungs, they sounded good. I started to feel a little bit relieved. They then check his ears, "Oh boy" the doctor says, "This one is pretty badly infected, let's check the other one. Oh man, this one is really bad too." Then the doctor wants to check his throat. "Oh wow little man, look at all that puss growing on your tonsils, no wonder you're not a happy guy." Meanwhile, I'm thinking to myself... 2 ear infections?? Again?? This has to be like 10th infections he's had this winter! The doctor says he's concerned about the height of Ashton's fever and wants to do some blood tests. He says he'll send the nurses in. After being held down by myself and another nurse and a 3rd nurse trying to find a vein for about 20 minutes (and poking him all over the place) they finally get what they need. Ashton is now drenched in sweat from trying to escape the needles. A few minutes later the doctor comes back and says that the blood test came back fine (phew!!) but he'll need to be on antibiotics for 10 days to treat his ears and throat. I can deal with that. Much better than going back to the hospital!
Later that night I called my dad (Doctor Dad, MD) and relayed our nights events. He said he's talk to a specialist at the hospital today about Ashton's condition and hopefully they can figure something out... tubes perhaps? I don't know. But something needs to happen. His poor little ears can't take any more of this infection business.